Production start-up aid
Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond aitas Tootmistugi OÜ-d läbi starditoetuse 15 000 euroga, mille eesmärk on arendada pressjääkide kuivatamise protsessi mehhaniseerimist vajalike seadmete soetamisega.
Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond aitas Tootmistugi OÜ-d läbi starditoetuse 15 000 euroga, mille eesmärk on arendada pressjääkide kuivatamise protsessi mehhaniseerimist vajalike seadmete soetamisega.
Kuivatamisteenus pakub marju, köögi- ja puuvilju kasvatavatele aiandustalunikele, väiketoidutootjatele võimaluse teenida lisatulu, luues tooteid, mida turul pakutakse vähe või ei pakuta üldse. Tootmistugi pakub kiiret ja usaldusväärste toidu kuivatamisteenust millega toodete säilivus tagatakse veesisalduse vähendamisega toiduaines, mis takistab mikroorganismide kasvu ja biokeemilisi reaktsioone. Toodetel on sõltuvalt niiskusesisaldusest pikk säilivus kuni 4 aastat.
Porgand ja kuivatatud porgand. Neist saab head porgandikooki ja piisava koguse vitamiine. Loe edasi ja pane kook ahju!
Heal lapsel mitu nime. Maapirni teatakse veel lisaks topinamburi nime all, mõned kutsuvad teda jeruusalemma artishokiks ja mõni teab maapirni kui suurepärast inuliini allikat. Aga miks maapirn kasulik on? Loe siit
Toidu kuivatamine kiirelt ja ka suurtes kogustes. Pakume toiduainete kuivatamise, jahvatamise ja pakendamise teenust toiduainetootjatele. Meil on olemas kiire ja võimas toiduainete kuivatamise masin. Toiduainete …
Teenused toidutootjatele ja ettevõtetele. Tootmistugi OÜ tegeleb alates 2019.a toiduainete kuivatamise ja jahvatamisega ja pakub kiiret ja kvaliteetseid teenuseid kõigile toidutootjatele. Meie tootmisüksus asub Kohtla-Järvel, ettevõttel on kõik tegevusvaldkonnas nõutavad litsentsid ja kvaliteedistandardid ning see tegeleb toiduohutuse, jälgitavuse ning allergeenide ja ristsaastumise kontrollimisega.
Tootmistugi OÜ has been drying and grinding foodstuffs since 2019 and offers fast and high-quality services to all food producers. Our production unit is located in Kohtla-Järve, the company has all the required licenses and quality standards in the field of activity, and it deals with food safety, traceability and control of allergens and cross-contamination.
Our drying line is fast and allows you to dry large quantities. Also it can process perishable foodstuffs, for example to dry fruit pulp from the pressing of various juices.
All Tootmistugi OÜ services and food packaging, milling and drying processes are performed by a properly trained and experienced team.
If you are looking for a partner to implement your food production processes, please contact us by phone: +372 53 446 729 or by e-mail:
We offer food products drying, grinding ja packaging service for food producers. We have a fast and powerful food drying machine that can be used to dry fruits, vegetables, berries or even press residues from the food industry. As a grinding service we can offer, for example, grinding flours from different berries and vegetables.
We have seen that very large quantities of pomace, fruit and vegetable pomace are disposed of, and we have come to the conclusion that pomace should be used as a valuable foodstuff in any case. The best way to do this is to dry the food.
When pressing berries, fruits and vegetables, we usually get only half of the juice contained in them. The other side goes to animal feed or bio-waste at best. Juice residues as well as other food processing by-products are in fact nutrient-rich and tasty raw materials. Our powerful drying line helps you make the most of it. This is especially important in the production of organic products, where raw materials are very valuable and their maximum utilization is paramount.
Food drying, also called for dehydration, consists in removing water from food without damaging the nutrient content. The fruit, berries and vegetables are cleaned, sliced and placed in grids located on a machine with a controlled temperature and humidity so that the water is removed safely and in accordance with the standards in force.
Dried foods are light, healthy and nutritious. They are easy to store and use. In particular, dried fruits and vegetables are very healthy because they are high in carbohydrates, high in fiber and low in fat.
Suitable for drying maapirn, apple, blueberry, punapeet, orange, lemon, chokeberry, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, carrots. These, in turn, can be obtained by grinding delicious, healthy foods. Try our own products and see for yourself.